

Contributor Guidelines

  • All articles should be published in English language only.
  • Please keep the article’s length to 300min – 500max words.
  • Make sure the grammar is on point and in layman’s term.
  • Please put an image for the author/contributor.
  • Embedding Instagram posts, YouTube videos and Twitter posts is allowed.
  • Do not publish articles without featured images. (Also, you must own the rights to all the images and should be in high quality)
  • Publishing articles about CBD, Gambling and Crypto is strictly not allowed.
  • If the article is about business, make sure you are stating facts.
  • Do not write biographies or wikis about yourself or your client. The content should be somewhat newsworthy.

Note: INFLUNCD owns the right to take down any content that violates its Contributor Guidelines and may take additional steps to terminate your account if necessary.

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